Friday, April 30, 2010

Literary Luminary: Candy

Passage #2
"I knew candy was a prostitute and Iggy was her pimp. I knew she sold her body, that she spent all day doing things i could only imagine. "I knew she'd been leading me on playing some kind of game, amusing herself at my expense". Page 36

I chose this passage because it illustrates the development of the relationship between Joe and Candy. The character Joe is trying to decide what kind of person Candy is and if he can trust her. He realized that her life is very different from his and that she might be dangerous or bad company to keep. This quote is important because it represents the main theme of the book, which is the growing relationship between a good boy from a rich town and a bad girl from the streets. This quote is also important because it shows the beginning of the character development.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1. Yes i belive it is important to be passionate about your job. There is no point of doing somthing you dont want to do for the rest of your life. It is a complete waste of time. You are supposed to pick a job that you love to do and will make you happy going to everyday. You should be proud knowing you are helping people and that you are good at what you do. Most people i know hate there jobs and are miserable doing them becuase they chose a job they were not interested in. It makes it harder to be motivated and do a good job when your not happy doing it.

2. I have no idea what i want to do with the rest of my life, career wise, but i think i want to be a dentist. If i want to go to collage to be a dentist i have to go to the okanagan collage for a couple years and upgrade my Science, English and Math. After that i have to spend another couple years upgading so i can get into the collage in chillawack that i want to attened. I will have to get a student loan to pay for it and get a part time job to pay it off. If it all goes the way i planned then i will be graduated and ready to start my career before im 25 years old.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lady Gaga's (Bad Romance) Music Video is a bad role model for children.

Lady Gaga is a talented song writer and singer, although her music video for "Bad Romance" is a bad influence on children. Children should not be exposed to her dancing around half naked on national TV because it sends out the message that children should be sexualized. Lady Gaga is a role model for children and children like her music and are big fans. Children shouldn't be exposed to nudity. Lady Gaga is sending a message to children that's its okay to be naked or half naked in public and that Modesty is not important. There needs to be a rating on this video of at least pg 13. She only wear pants once in the video at the beginning and its the only time her skin is fully covered. Her outfits through out the rest of the video are very revealing and inappropriate. The story line of the video is ridiculous and the majority of the video is her dancing half naked. The song is promoting unhealthy relationships, and the video "Bad Romance" is a negative influence on the young people in the world. Children look up to her and want to be like her and she is not someone children should idolize.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The River Channel

Its a beautiful summer day in Penticton and the sun is shinning bright. Its probably thirty to thirty-five degrees and there are a lot of people out enjoying the weather. The best way to enjoy the weather in Penticton is to float the famous river channel. The river channel is a four kilometer river that runs from one end of town all the way to the other, joining Skaha and Okanagan lakes. It takes two hours to float half way and a four hours to float the whole way. This is the best way to enjoy a summer day because its very relaxing laying in the sun on a blow up mattress. Its convenient because you can lay and Tann the hole way, you can swim for exercise, or you could do a verity of both. At the top, middle, and bottom are stairs for easy loading and unloading. the water moves fast at the top so everyone your with has to tie there floating devices together so no one gets separated. There is great scenery with beautiful trees giving shade down parts of it and hundreds of fish to look at, chase, or feed, whichever you prefer. its only two feet deep in some spots of the river and a lot of seaweed so its a good idea to stay on your mattress at these areas. However it gets up to five or six feet deep in some spots and there is no seaweed, just little pebble rocks so it makes a great swimming place. There is usually over a hundred people going down everyday so that tell you its something you can do more than once.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Twilight is the first book out of four in the Stephenie Meyers series. Its a story about a girl who moves from Phoenix with her mom to living in a small town called forks with her dad. The girls name is Bella and she hated living there until she met a boy named Edward who sat next to her in her biology class. Edward was very strange and different and showed strong signs of dislike towards her the first time they met, then he disappeared for a few days. When he returned he apologized for the way he acted and in no time at all she quickly fell for his intelligence and charm. Bella started to realize that Edward wasn't like the other boys because one day he saved her from getting hit by a car when he was on the other side of the parking lot. Bella knew he was different and tried to make him confess why he could run so fast but Edward just tried to convinced her that she hit her head to hard and didn't know what she was talking about. Then one day when her and some people from school went down to the beach and she met a boy named Jacob Black who turned out to be her dads best friends son. Bella and Jacob went for a walk down the beach where he told her all about the quillet legends and revealed what Edward really was. Jacob said Edward and his family were called the "cold ones" and "blood suckers" also known as vampires. Bella believed it and confronted Edward and told him she knew what he was and he just stole her to say it, so she did. She knew he was a vampire and very dangerous but she trusted him with her life even though Edward told her not to. To Edward, Bella was what he has been waiting for for 90 years, a soul mate, so he couldn't stay away from her however he thirsted for her blood more then any other human. One day Bella was playing baseball with the Cullen's when another vampire family came along and one of them named James smelled a human therefor tried to kill Bella. It became a game for the James and he wouldn't stop till he killed her, so Bella had to get as far away as she could so she went back to Phoenix with Edwards sister Alice. James called Bella's phone and tricked her to meet him by herself at Bella's old dance studio because he threatened to kill her mother. when she got there she knew she had been tricked so she tried to escape but she couldn't so she had to wait until Edward and his family came to save her. Edward had to kill James or he never would have stopped trying to kill Bella. Bella was knocked out and woke up in a hospital bed with Edward and her parents right beside her. She had a broken leg so the next day she was wearing a cast when Edward picked her up and took her to prom. the book ends with them dancing out side the prom and Bella asking Edward to change her into one of them but he obviously refuses. This book follows with the rest of the series, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, which i have not read yet.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top 3

My topic is on the top three best vacation destinations. I am judging them on the amount of tourist attractions within their city and on how good the weather is in their location.

#1. California: I decided that this would be the best vacation destination because i have always wanted to go there. I have heard so much about it and how there is a variety of tourist attractions that grabbed my attention. Disney land is the most appealing to me however to walk down the Hollywood Walk of Fame would be unbelievably amazing. Another tourist attraction i have always wanted to experience is watching the Los Angeles Lakers play in there home town. In my opinion the beautiful sunny California would be my favorite vacation destination.

#2. Hawaii: This would be the second best vacation destination. The thing that attracts my attention the most is the amazing scenery. There is so many different tropical flowers that i don't even know they names of all of them, however i know that they are all beautiful. The Beaches would be very relaxing to lay on all day and the green water would be very appealing to swim in. There is not to much to do in Hawaii but sight seeing and surfing that's why it is number two on my list.

#3. Mexico: This would be the third best vacation destination. This is my third choice because the scenery is not as nice as Hawaii and there is not as many thing to do as California. However everything is less expensive there so i could buy a lot of souvenirs and get my hair braided for cheap. Mexico is a big country so it would be very interesting to tour it all and see the different towns that people live. It would be dangerous because there is a lot of diseases and no clean drinking water but i would just have to be prepared and very careful what i touched.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Powers

If I could have one super power I would want to be telekinetic. It would be the best becuase you can do so much more then any other super power. If I had unlimitted strenght then I could only lift heavy things, but if I was telekinetic I wouldnt even have to get up to move heavy objects, beacuse I could just do it with my mind. It would also be better then flying beacuse im afriad of hights and flying would get boring after a while. With telekinesis I could do almost anything I have ever wanted and never get bored. Unlimitted speed would get boring even more quickly then flying would and I wouldnt even use it that often. I wouldnt need unlimitted speed anyways becuase I am always on time. But with telekinesis I would use it everyday for anything I wanted. I wouldnt have to cook, clean, or get up to do anything, I would just have to concentrate and my super powers would do it for me. To me being telekinetic would be the best super power.