Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Powers

If I could have one super power I would want to be telekinetic. It would be the best becuase you can do so much more then any other super power. If I had unlimitted strenght then I could only lift heavy things, but if I was telekinetic I wouldnt even have to get up to move heavy objects, beacuse I could just do it with my mind. It would also be better then flying beacuse im afriad of hights and flying would get boring after a while. With telekinesis I could do almost anything I have ever wanted and never get bored. Unlimitted speed would get boring even more quickly then flying would and I wouldnt even use it that often. I wouldnt need unlimitted speed anyways becuase I am always on time. But with telekinesis I would use it everyday for anything I wanted. I wouldnt have to cook, clean, or get up to do anything, I would just have to concentrate and my super powers would do it for me. To me being telekinetic would be the best super power.

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