Friday, February 19, 2010


Twilight is the first book out of four in the Stephenie Meyers series. Its a story about a girl who moves from Phoenix with her mom to living in a small town called forks with her dad. The girls name is Bella and she hated living there until she met a boy named Edward who sat next to her in her biology class. Edward was very strange and different and showed strong signs of dislike towards her the first time they met, then he disappeared for a few days. When he returned he apologized for the way he acted and in no time at all she quickly fell for his intelligence and charm. Bella started to realize that Edward wasn't like the other boys because one day he saved her from getting hit by a car when he was on the other side of the parking lot. Bella knew he was different and tried to make him confess why he could run so fast but Edward just tried to convinced her that she hit her head to hard and didn't know what she was talking about. Then one day when her and some people from school went down to the beach and she met a boy named Jacob Black who turned out to be her dads best friends son. Bella and Jacob went for a walk down the beach where he told her all about the quillet legends and revealed what Edward really was. Jacob said Edward and his family were called the "cold ones" and "blood suckers" also known as vampires. Bella believed it and confronted Edward and told him she knew what he was and he just stole her to say it, so she did. She knew he was a vampire and very dangerous but she trusted him with her life even though Edward told her not to. To Edward, Bella was what he has been waiting for for 90 years, a soul mate, so he couldn't stay away from her however he thirsted for her blood more then any other human. One day Bella was playing baseball with the Cullen's when another vampire family came along and one of them named James smelled a human therefor tried to kill Bella. It became a game for the James and he wouldn't stop till he killed her, so Bella had to get as far away as she could so she went back to Phoenix with Edwards sister Alice. James called Bella's phone and tricked her to meet him by herself at Bella's old dance studio because he threatened to kill her mother. when she got there she knew she had been tricked so she tried to escape but she couldn't so she had to wait until Edward and his family came to save her. Edward had to kill James or he never would have stopped trying to kill Bella. Bella was knocked out and woke up in a hospital bed with Edward and her parents right beside her. She had a broken leg so the next day she was wearing a cast when Edward picked her up and took her to prom. the book ends with them dancing out side the prom and Bella asking Edward to change her into one of them but he obviously refuses. This book follows with the rest of the series, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, which i have not read yet.

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