Friday, April 30, 2010

Literary Luminary: Candy

Passage #2
"I knew candy was a prostitute and Iggy was her pimp. I knew she sold her body, that she spent all day doing things i could only imagine. "I knew she'd been leading me on playing some kind of game, amusing herself at my expense". Page 36

I chose this passage because it illustrates the development of the relationship between Joe and Candy. The character Joe is trying to decide what kind of person Candy is and if he can trust her. He realized that her life is very different from his and that she might be dangerous or bad company to keep. This quote is important because it represents the main theme of the book, which is the growing relationship between a good boy from a rich town and a bad girl from the streets. This quote is also important because it shows the beginning of the character development.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1. Yes i belive it is important to be passionate about your job. There is no point of doing somthing you dont want to do for the rest of your life. It is a complete waste of time. You are supposed to pick a job that you love to do and will make you happy going to everyday. You should be proud knowing you are helping people and that you are good at what you do. Most people i know hate there jobs and are miserable doing them becuase they chose a job they were not interested in. It makes it harder to be motivated and do a good job when your not happy doing it.

2. I have no idea what i want to do with the rest of my life, career wise, but i think i want to be a dentist. If i want to go to collage to be a dentist i have to go to the okanagan collage for a couple years and upgrade my Science, English and Math. After that i have to spend another couple years upgading so i can get into the collage in chillawack that i want to attened. I will have to get a student loan to pay for it and get a part time job to pay it off. If it all goes the way i planned then i will be graduated and ready to start my career before im 25 years old.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lady Gaga's (Bad Romance) Music Video is a bad role model for children.

Lady Gaga is a talented song writer and singer, although her music video for "Bad Romance" is a bad influence on children. Children should not be exposed to her dancing around half naked on national TV because it sends out the message that children should be sexualized. Lady Gaga is a role model for children and children like her music and are big fans. Children shouldn't be exposed to nudity. Lady Gaga is sending a message to children that's its okay to be naked or half naked in public and that Modesty is not important. There needs to be a rating on this video of at least pg 13. She only wear pants once in the video at the beginning and its the only time her skin is fully covered. Her outfits through out the rest of the video are very revealing and inappropriate. The story line of the video is ridiculous and the majority of the video is her dancing half naked. The song is promoting unhealthy relationships, and the video "Bad Romance" is a negative influence on the young people in the world. Children look up to her and want to be like her and she is not someone children should idolize.